How do you keep delivering better quality products to your users?

One popular method is to place a higher priority on finding and mitigating software defects early on in the process. This is related to the increasing popularity of agile software development, giving teams the opportunity to keep up with changing needs and support agile environments. As a result, teams are able to create more tests and maximize coverage to ensure that nothing escapes, no matter how many projects are in the pipeline.

However, all of these test cases need somewhere to live – otherwise, QA testers can’t manage them effectively or run them on a regular basis. Test case repositories must be constantly updated in order to keep pace with current expectations and to reflect the progress being made.

Here are a few tips for how to efficiently structure and organize your test case repository.

Test Case

1. Add and subtract as needed

Test cases cannot be simply written and then forgotten about. They require constant maintenance, just like your repository does. One way to achieve this is to add a test only at the very moment it’s needed and to keep the repository.

Every change within your tests should be reflected within your repository. Otherwise, it could undo the work you completed. It’s important to add test cases to eliminate any need for redundant work. This will ensure that every team member has access to the script if they need to use it for another project or if they want to edit it to make it more effective and efficient. It also means removing test cases that have become defunct and are no longer needed.

2. Create directories

In smaller organizations, there’s a lot more flexibility that teams can give into. However, larger businesses need a bit more structure to their operations and tend to have more reporting requirements in order to stay on top of everything.

By creating specific directories, teams can establish a better structure for their needs while still leaving as much slack as possible to respond to potential adjustments quickly. Each directory can be checked out separately, which makes it easier to maintain oversight.

The trunk keeps the most current development code; this should only be used to house code that will be on the next release. From there, the repository splits into different branches: the release branch, which contains a copy of the trunk code, and the bug fix branch that’s used to address any serious issues. and the experimental branch to introduce new processes, technologies and strategies on a limited basis. These directories will help keep everything organized and make it clear as to what tasks still need to be done.

3. Have a capable solution

When you have a capable test management solution on your side, structuring and organizing a test case repository becomes significantly easier. Test case management software provides teams with the flexibility to organize test cases as they see fit and to change this structure from project to project and from release to release. This means that organizations aren’t stuck in one form and can adapt as necessary. With a greater number of available options, teams can then expand their testing capabilities and ensure that their repository is effective.

Creating a great test case repository isn’t impossible, but it does take work. Teams must ensure their repositories are up to date and that test cases are still performing as expected – it takes ongoing maintenance. By creating specific directories and utilizing a capable tool, teams will be able to establish a cleanly structured repository and leverage the flexibility to change according to their needs.

Published: Apr 12, 2018

Updated: Jun 22, 2023
