Atlassian Hosting: Internal vs. Cloud vs. Managed Hosting

When it comes to Atlassian hosting, what's the best choice for you? In this post, we compare internal hosting, Atlassian Cloud, and managed hosting services to help you choose the best option for your business.

Atlassian Hosting

The data center is dead – long live hosted!

You don’t have to look for too long to discover that this fact rings true. Take IBM, for example, which has recorded revenue declines for its data center hardware across the last 15 quarters. It’s hardly a ringing endorsement for behind the firewall.

According to a recent study by the International Data Corporation (IDC), vendor revenue from sales of infrastructure products for cloud IT (including public and private cloud), grew 21.9% year over year to $29.0 billion in 2015. Figures are projected to top $38 billion by the end of 2016.

Perhaps even more importantly, the IDC also states: “Revenue in the traditional (non-cloud) IT infrastructure segment decreased 2.7% year over year in the fourth quarter.”

These aren’t small numbers. This is a marked change in the market.

So what does that mean for application infrastructure, for companies that rely on tools like JIRAConfluence, Jenkins and other leading dev tools?

Well, to put it simply: you should at the very least be considering moving to a hosted solution. Let’s explore why and what options are available.

Data Security (aka what keeps the InfoSec folks up at night)

In a recent study of over 1,100 senior security executives by Vormetric, a staggering 91%said they felt vulnerable to a data breach. On top of this, 61% had experienced one.


58% of those surveyed are increasing spend to protect sensitive data.  So where is the spend going? Encryption seems to be the answer.

  • 48% said encryption increases willingness to use cloud
  • 40% are implementing application encryption
  • 39% use or plan to use tokenization this year
  • 35% use or plan to use data masking

With teams increasingly dispersed globally and more and more organisations relying on big data to function, concerns around encryption seem logical.

So what does this mean for Atlassian Hosting?

In our recent “Cloud Forecast” deck we explored the benefits of hosting, namely:

  • Cost effectiveness
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Ubiquitous access
  • Lower spend on physical assets
  • Greener IT
  • Improved IT efficiency and agility

As we explored recently, the Atlassian applications are increasingly becoming mission critical. This is our area of expertise, and with more organisations than ever benefiting from the aforementioned features that cloud brings, it’s important to consider: what does this all mean for the Atlassian space?

Your options for Atlassian Hosting

Hosting for Home

When it comes to hosting Atlassian applications, like many other software solutions, you’ve got three main options: SaaS, internal hosting, or having your hosting managed by a specialist. Here we’ll run through your options.

Remember, you can be flexible! It’s possible to migrate from any of the below to a managed solution. 


Atlassian Cloud (SaaS)

A simple way to get started is Atlassian Cloud. This is an affordable way to manage the likes of JIRA, Confluence and Bamboo, hosted by Atlassian.


  • It’s simple to set up. You don’t need to be technical to get this up and running!
  • It’s affordable. 10 users for JIRA, for example, only costs $20/month.
  • You can toggle applications on or off. Only pay for what you use.
  • It’s secure – all Atlassian Cloud sites enforce SSL by default and are hosted in a secure US-based hosting facility.
  • It’s reliable and safe – 99.9% SLA with round the clock support from Atlassian.


  • Unlike on-premises Atlassian applications, you’re limited to Cloud-only Add-ons.
  • Generally speaking, all functions performed by a System Administrator in the downloaded versions of the applications are restricted in Cloud.
  • There’s no file or database access.
  • You can’t use your own domain name.
  • Each Atlassian Cloud subscription has a disk storage limit.

Hosted internally

A DIY job – you get complete control, with the pesky hindrance of complete responsibility. However you can of course outsource to an external IT team and rely on the application knowledge of an Atlassian consultant.


  • You can install what you want!
  • You get full access to admin functions and integrations with other applications. Expand storage, add user licenses, etc. as needed.
  • It’s a sensible option for organisations with a large capable IT team; in this instance, one with Atlassian application knowledge as well.


  • Starting from nothing is a big task. We obviously won’t go into this here, but you’ll need to have a good grasp of the reliability, scalability, and server space requirements, as well as the necessary hardware and software skills needed.
  • Physical servers are expensive, and they’re depreciating assets.
  • There are ongoing costs of maintaining servers, both monetary and environmental.
  • Ongoing support needs should also be considered, as well as the opportunity costs of your technical resources working on internal IT projects over “real work”.

Clearvision managed hosting

As an Atlassian Expert, with our own in house support team and a team of consultants around the world, we’re perfectly positioned to deliver a fully managed hosting solution for the Atlassian applications, as well as integrating other software development applications like Jenkins.


  • Full peace of mind – your infrastructure will be hosted and maintained by experts who specialise in both hosting and the Atlassian stack (we’re a leading Atlassian Expert).
  • No upfront data center costs. You’ll pay a monthly fee dependent on rack space, support options, etc.
  • 24/7/365 support from a team that know what they’re talking about.
  • 99.9% SLA.
  • Patching and monitoring on the infrastructure/operating system and the application layer.
  • Simple upgrades – need the latest version of JIRA? Security patch needed for Bitbucket? Want to give your apps a spring clean? Simply let us know and we’ll take care of it.
  • Security is our number 1 priority. VDC is inherently private through VLAN separation. Snapshot and dedicated backups are available.
  • Unlike other providers we have experience of integrating Atlassian apps with a whole host of other software development tools. We can manage any migrations too.


  • None!
  • We’re joking, of course, although we do think we have an impressive offering. The biggest factor will generally be price. Atlassian Cloud is a cheaper option and simpler to set up than doing it yourself or entrusting hosting to a specialist provider – but it all depends on your capabilities and requirements for your mission critical tools
  • Managing your hosting yourself will offer your more control (providing your staff have the experience and knowledge to do it). Of course, it is a significant undertaking for your IT teams, and can often mean investing in a dedicated resource for maintenance.

At Clearvision, we’re continuously developing our managed hosting offering to cover more tools and offer even more flexibility in terms of the support options available. To learn more, and get started, please click here.

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