Clearvision Is Now Officially Cyber Essentials Certified

Following our ISO 27001 accreditation in 2019, we’re proud to announce that as of January 2020 we’re now officially Cyber Essentials certified!

Cyber Essentials

What does it mean to be Cyber Essentials certified?

The government-backed scheme was built to protect organisations against the threat of cyber attacks by expanding the knowledge of in-house experts.

Why did we decide to obtain the certification?

Cyber attacks come in all shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature; nevertheless, many attempts are successful despite research suggesting that the majority are carried out by individuals who are relatively unskilled.

The damage that an attack can have on a system varies, but one thing’s for certain, being vulnerable to a simple attack, puts you at a greater risk of being targeted by cybercriminals of a higher calibre.

It’s no surprise that many attackers look for organisations that do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place. Our intent was to shield ourselves from this threat, as well as instil confidence in our customers — something we’re always trying to achieve.

Office area

The process

First, we investigated our current security measures and assessed them against the five basic controls for better cybersecurity provided by the Cyber Essentials scheme. We were then presented with a list of five accreditation bodies chosen by the NCSC. We had to then verify our IT system, ensuring its suitably with the chosen body by supplying various forms of evidence for the level in which we required.

After this, we completed the questionnaire supplied by our certification body IASME, which was then processed for auditing, and within a matter of days, we received the accreditation!

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